Page 11 - Revista do Cavalo Árabe Edição Julho 2024 - Nº 81
P. 11

Haras JM throughout its history has stood out        JM,  and purchased stallions, as  AF
          in the showring. In 2004 JM won the Brazilian        MADEN, *PSCORE, *VAALENTE, *FA
          Circuit for the very first time, achieving the       RAJJAH, *RD CAPRIOTTI, *SIRAJJ UB,
          coveted title of Best Breeder and Exhibitor          *PERIGNON, SHAEZZ EL MADAN,
          in  Halter  of the  National  Shows Circuits.        DAKAR HVP, EL MASSAR JSZ, AN
          The statistics for Brazil’s Haras JM, which          VICTOR, *PRINCE MAGNUM JSZ,
          this year celebrates  its 35  anniversary in         *PRINCE MICHAEL MPE, WANDAN EL
          the Arabian industry, are fantastic, Haras JM        MADAN, but all offer the high level of quality
          has been the Leading Breeder in Brazil not           demanded  in the  program.  While  used for
          once, but 10 consecutive years, and during           their physical attributes and pedigrees, nearly
          five  years  as  the  second-Best  Breeder  in       all have been tested in demanding show ring
          Brazil.  Those title  was also conquered as          competition and acquitted themselves well.
          Performance Arabian Horses Breeder.
                                                               Breeders who examine the pedigrees of the
          JM’s  Breeding Program focuses on the                Haras JM stallions and broodmares can see the
          evolution  and  improvement  of  quality. The        tracery of thoughtful mating, the blending of
          sires and  mares  are  the  priority  to  achieve    bloodlines, and consideration of the physical
          more  and  more  extreme  beauty,  expressive        characteristics of each horse and their ability
          eyes, small tight ears, long and shapely neck,       in the show ring. In a high percentage of the
          smooth, strong and balanced body, tall  set,         foals, the success is particularly evident, and
          excellent  natural  tail  carriage,  movies  with    the certainty of some mares’ contributions
          strength and spirit, grace, attitude and style.      adds extra excitement to some of the crosses.

          Haras JM Breeding  Program carefully                 Haras JM has been the Leading Breeder in
          introduced  representative  stallions  at  the       Brazil not once, but for 11 years.
          farm, creating options not only for his own
          combinations and future generations but also         We  are  sure  that  Brazil  is a  powerful
          for the use of outside breeders.                     destination  for  Arabian  breeders  and
          Some of JM’s stallions of Haras JM include:          owners worldwide.  We  would  like  to  have
          CASH DEL  TINO JM, CALVIN DEL                        the  opportunity  to show the  quality  of the
          TINO JM, YPARADISE JM, DARTIST D’                    stallions and mares we have at Haras JM.
          YPARADISE JM, FIRENZE YPARADISE                      We  love  the Arabian  Community;  it  is our
          JM, FATALLI ALI JM, ZAX Di PSCORE                    community.

                              Arabian Horse Breeders welcome at Haras JM,
                                               your home in Brazil!

                                                                         Maísa and José Alves Filho

          José Alves Filho & Maísa Tucci Alves
          Haras JM Brazil - Rua Oquirá, 325 - São Paulo-SP - Brazil - CEP 05467-030  HARAS JM
          (55-11) 3021-2147 / 9.9603-0760 -
                                                                             HARAS JM
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